Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thriller Tuesday!

As if our wedding wasn't already going to be "the wedding of the CENTURY", we decided, along with a group of our friends to learn Michael Jackson's "Thriller" dance to "perform" at the wedding. Wow, had we known how hard the dance was, we may have changed our minds. So, for the past 2 months, every other Tuesday, we get together with our friends for some dancin'! We quickly learned that even though it's a challenging dance to learn, if you break it down into chunks, it's definitely manageable (thanks to YouTube, of course)! Unfortunately, I can't get the words for the dance steps out of my head..."booty bounce, booty bounce", "swim together, swim jump", "shake-a-and-a-up-a & a shake-a-and-a-up-a" - just to name a few! We hope to have the whole thing memorized by June 19th - heck, even if not, throw some alcohol into the mix and I'm sure we'll think we look good! I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, but we plan to take video of us doing the dance, so I'll be sure to post it for your enjoyment!

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