Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pay It Forward

My day started out like any other day...alarm goes off, get out of bed, shower, feed the dog, blah, blah, blah. My day usually starts to look up when I head to get some delicious coffee with my co-worker was no different. We made the trek (it's really not that far) over to the nearest Starbucks so that we could fulfill our caffeine addiction! After I ordered my usual (tall Pike, ONE petite vanilla bean scone and a bag of their oh-so-delicious popcorn) I went to reach for my handy dandy credit card, when I heard, "there's no charge", confused, I asked "why?". Well, some really nice person left their remaining Starbucks gift card to use on the next however many customers, because they were leaving town or something & wouldn't be able to use the giftcard up. So, to my surprise, my food & beverage were FREE! It was such a wonderful way to start my day. Now I'd like to pay it forward. I haven't exactly figured out how I want to do so, but I have heard a couple of good suggestions. One being, going through a drive-thru and paying for the person's food/beverage behind me; what a great idea! Other suggestions/ideas welcome!

It's so re-assuring to know that there are so many good people out there! It seems that more often than not, we hear about the bad things or people and we don't hear nearly enough about all the good things/people. It certainly is making me think more about doing nice things for others - even something as simple as holding the door open for someone. At any rate, I'm really looking forward to doing something extra nice for a someone that won't be expecting it!

Happy Thursday :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Changing Gears...

I realize it's been a while since I've last written - I've been fairly busy wrapping up some last minute wedding things. I can't believe that there's only 11 days until the "big day"! Now that I look back on this past year, I realize how fast time really goes. Even though I knew that my our big day would come, I never imagined that the time would fly by so fast! It's almost surreal, but I'm very excited to start a new chapter in my life.

As I was laying in bed last night, I got to thinking, "what am I going to do with my time once all this wedding stuff is over"? Hmm, good question, huh? I really want to continue with (or at least be more disciplined) my goals of getting in to shape. Currently I'm only doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, mostly because that's all that time allows for right now, but I want to really get back into shape. I'm not really sure the best way to conquer this feat, but I'm definitely up for the challenge! I ran my first 5k this past April. I really didn't have high expectations (other than to finish) and found that I did better than I expected...and it didn't hurt that I had a good time, too (thanks to my fabulous co-workers). My time was 28:11, not half bad. I'd love to get it under 27 minutes, but it will definitely take some work on my part! I'm not sure if I have it in me to ever run a marathon, but my goal is to perhaps give a go at a half marathon. But, before I get way to ahead of myself, I'd like to try a few more 5k's, a 10k and then perhaps a half. This all sounds so easy, but the problem is, I'm not a huge fan of running. I don't mind the occasional run when it's nice out (you know, the 2 - 3 milers), but I tend to get really bored while running. I'm not sure if I just need some inspiration, or if I just need to train myself to like it, but it's something I'm willing to work on. I really need training tips, advice and/or some fun races that I can look into running in the future, because come July 1st, I'm changing gears from wedding planning to getting in shape!!