Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My loves!

Thanks to my co-working, friend Carly, I was tagged to do this so, here it is - 10 things I love!

1. Kyle! (Que the cheesy music) He's my very best friend and I feel so lucky to have him in my life! He's one of the most generous, nice, funny (at least he thinks he is), supportive, caring people I know. He has a heart of gold and I truly love him to pieces!!

2. My family. My parents are 2 of the most important people in my life and I wouldn't be where I am today without them! Even though we may have our moments, I know they are 2 people that will love, care & support me in everything I do!
**Son of A...I couldn't find a picture of my family on my computer....

3. My friends...I have the most amazing friends in the whole world! We always have the best times together and I know I can count on them for any & everything! In a sense, I think of them as my other "soul mates" - love, love, love them!

4. Beer...enough said!

5. Pesto pizza with fresh garden veggies! There's nothing better than walking outside to the garden, picking some veggies and putting them on a pizza with homemade pesto....YUM-O!

6. Outdoor concerts! One of the many reasons I love summer is because I absolutely love the experience of an outdoor concert! Yes, I have a few favorites in mind (DMB, Jack Johnson, OAR), but I think any outdoor concert in the summer is amazing. Sitting out under the stars, listening to some good tunes, enjoying a beer....ah, pure bliss!

7. Hannah! Hannah is our 6 year old golden retriever. We "adopted" her when she was 3.5 years old from a friend of a friend (follow the bouncing ball) who was moving over seas to go to school. We gladly opened our home to her; it's like she was meant to be ours! She's the most well-behaved & sweetest dog ever!!

...hmmm, is it really sad that I got stuck after #7? Apparently my brain must be on it's lunch break, too :)

8. My Job! Well, I'm an Accountant which is by no means a glamorous job, but I really love working at the U. The people (for the most part....) are awesome and the work is fairly interesting (or at least that's what I tell myself). I really just feel lucky to have a job these days!

9. Target! I absolutely love shopping at Target! Kyle usually cringes when I say "I need to run to Target to get a couple things". Mostly because he knows a "couple things" turns out to be a shopping cart of things. It definitely doesn't help that there is a Target about 2 miles from our house.

10. Sleeping during a thunderstorm! To me it's such a peaceful and relaxing time to be in bed. Now, don't get me wrong, the second that storm turns "severe" I start to panic a tiny bit, but I love the sound of a nice, steady rainfall with a few thunders here & there!

Wow, I can't believe I finished! I don't think the hard part was necessarily coming up with 10 things I love, but narrowing down the list was the challenge!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Forgive me, but I'm going to jump onto my soapbox for a minute...Alright, so what's up with the people that go to the bathroom and either DON'T wash their hands (I just threw up in my mouth a little bit), or "wash" them by trickling a couple drips of water over their hands? Didn't their mothers, fathers, people in general, society teach them anything? First of all, it's not hard to put some soap on your hands, lather up and rinse them; I mean, what, it takes all of 20 seconds?! I don't claim to be a germ-a-phobe, but dear God, I do believe in washing my hands after I use the bathroom. I don't expect you to sit there and give yourself a bath after you've done your business (although, I have seen a person or 2 practically giving themselves a bath in our restrooms, but that's a whole different topic), but I do expect that you would have the common courtesy and decency to at least use some soap & it really that hard? Moral of the story, WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS AFTER USING THE RESTROOM!

Okay, now that I've gotten that off my chest, I'm happy to report that this weather we're having is absolutely gorgeous! I'm so glad that summer is finally here....knock on wood! I'm really hoping to get in a nice run tonight (and by nice I mean 2-3 miles TOPS...anymore than that seems silly), watch The Office season finale, and maybe even a few wedding things. Thank God the weekend is almost here!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thriller Tuesday!

As if our wedding wasn't already going to be "the wedding of the CENTURY", we decided, along with a group of our friends to learn Michael Jackson's "Thriller" dance to "perform" at the wedding. Wow, had we known how hard the dance was, we may have changed our minds. So, for the past 2 months, every other Tuesday, we get together with our friends for some dancin'! We quickly learned that even though it's a challenging dance to learn, if you break it down into chunks, it's definitely manageable (thanks to YouTube, of course)! Unfortunately, I can't get the words for the dance steps out of my head..."booty bounce, booty bounce", "swim together, swim jump", "shake-a-and-a-up-a & a shake-a-and-a-up-a" - just to name a few! We hope to have the whole thing memorized by June 19th - heck, even if not, throw some alcohol into the mix and I'm sure we'll think we look good! I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, but we plan to take video of us doing the dance, so I'll be sure to post it for your enjoyment!

Monday, May 17, 2010


First, I want to thank Mother Nature for finally sending the sun out. It sure has been a lot nicer and it definitely makes me have a better attitude!

The weekend was okay. I had set big goals for myself in the wedding department, but unfortunately, didn't get as much as I wanted done...make that NOTHING done. Friday night I did Jillian Michael's "Boost your Metabolism" workout DVD. It's tough, but I always feel so good afterwards. Saturday I had an appointment for a was nice & relaxing. Instead of motivating me to get wedding things done, I think it made me even lazier. Saturday evening I started to get a Wedache (**Wedache - another term for headache that is caused from wedding related stress), which turned into a Migraine. Sadly, I still had a "wedache" when I woke up on Sunday, so I pretty much laid on the couch, in the dark most of the day. I know that stressing out over all that needs to be done is pointless and I try to take it one day at a time, but sometimes the stress takes over! However, we've set 3 goals for ourselves for this week in regards to the wedding:

1. Finish figuring out our music for the ceremony, dinner, first dance, father/daughter dance, wedding party dance, "grand march" & most importantly our DO NOT PLAY list (sorry there will be NO Macarena at this shindig).
2. Apply for our Marriage License. Actually before we can apply, we should probably figure out where/how we even do this....
3. Enjoy our Bachelor / Bachelorette parties this weekend...

I guess it's safe to say at least ONE thing on our "to do" list will be accomplished this week :)

Happy Monday!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello World of Blogging!

Alright, so this is my very first blog post...I know, I know, you're so excited you can hardly contain yourself! I'm not really sure what you're "supposed" to write in these things, but I'll give it my best shot.

I'm probably not the most fascinating person, but I'm hoping to use this blog as a way to write about all the ups, downs, good & bad that happen in the "life of Leah". Leah would be ME! I've just recently entered my 30's (which doesn't feel any different than 29), I live with my best friend & fabulous Fiance, Kyle and our 6 year old Golden Retriever, Hannah. I'm an Accountant (yawn) at the University of MN. And although it's not the most exciting job, I truly do love it. Usually life is pretty mellow for me, but lately, things are crazy, good crazy, but crazy none-the-less! In 37 days Kyle & I will be getting married...hold on a second while I have a minor panic attack! No, not because I'm marrying Kyle, but because there's only 37 days until the wedding and what feels like 451,156,569 things left to do. Everyone keeps telling me to "take deep breaths" and that "things will get done", but all I can think of is HOW? I know that all that really matters is that at the end of the day, we'll be married, but let's be honest, every girl wants their wedding day to be PERFECT and I'm certainly no different. I'm trying to remain calm and enjoy these last weeks of planning, anticipating & preparing, but I'm ready for the day to be here.